Sunday, September 9, 2012


Ta-Da...  Announcing and asking, HOW THE HEALTH ARE YOU?!

That is the name Esse Muskopf, Amanda Jones, and I, Quin Stringham, have given our series of Total Health and Wellness classes with Young Living Essential Oils, here in Carlisle, PA!  We are so excited!  We hope you will be joining us if you are in the area!

If you don't know or haven't heard, Esse Muskopf has just returned to Carlisle from Alabama and before that she was in Springfiled, Virginia, thanks to her hubby Jim who is a Colonel in the US Army!  I had the joy of introducing Esse to Young Living in May of 2005, back when we volunteered and took our training together at Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis of Carlisle.  That was just 7 years ago!  Wow, I can't imagine life without Esse!  She is an amazing friend, business partner, massage therapist and well, I really would have to do just an entire blog post on Esse to truly to her justice.  Let's just say I am so blessed to have her in my life and excited to be teamed up with her for these classes!

Amanda Jones has been in Carlisle for several years now, hailing from Pittsburg.  Although formally trained and licensed as an Estitician, she now works full time as a wife to Lewis and mother to her two cute kids, and she shares Young Living on the side! Amanda was introduced to YL thorugh Dr. Carloline Diller at Cumbervalley Chiropractic and Wellness about a year and seven months ago here in Carlisle and has had an amazing transformation with Young Living, getting her health back and seeing such a change in her family!  You'll want to be sure and hear her story!  I am so blessed to have Amanda a part of my Young Living team!  Young Living has brought me such amazing friends!

So many of my wonderful friends, business associates in the community, and Young Living team members in the area keep saying, Quin, when is your next class?  So often I haven't had classes planned out far enough in advance for people to really plan for them.  Ok, well, I am done with that!  With Esse and Amanda's help, we got serious and here's the plan!  And oh, by the way...


Total Health and Wellness Classes Young Living Essential Oils in Carlisle, PA

These classes will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except December and June) from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location announced each month at registration or for those pre-registered, by email or phone call. Attendees can attend one or all the classes!

Class 1, September 18, 2012

Healing Homes … is your home a toxic, green, or healing home?!

Class 2, October 16, 2012

Women’s Essentials… Proven Strategies for Top Women’s Health Concerns

Class 3, November 20, 2013

What’s in your medicine cabinet? Doctor Mom class… for your pets too!

Class 4, January 22, 2013

Weight loss and cleansing… time to clean house and take out the garbage!

Class 5, February 19. 2013

Love Yourself … Effective Natural Solutions for stress, anxiety, depression and mental fatigue.

Class 6, March 19, 2013

Healing Oils of the Bible

Class 7, April 16, 2013

Real answers for pain and Inflammation!

Class 8, May 21, 2013

Pamper Yourself … Facials and Feet!

Plan for 90+ minutes of FUN and LEARNING that could change your life!

$20 per class on day of class


Pre-register and Prepay by the Friday before class, only $15, which includes an essential oil sample with each prepaid class!


The Excited About It Package - $50 Include choice of four classes

The Can’t Wait Package - $95 includes ALL 8 CLASSES

FOR REGISTRATION AND PRE-PAYMENT CONTACT Quin at 717-385-2300 or Esse at 717-218-2434 or Amanda at 717-240-0755

PRE-PAYMENT can be done via paypal to

Those who are Pre-registered and prepaid will be eligible for other special unadvertised classes!

Don’t delay – get your spot today! Space is limited to the first 10 pre-registered and prepaid people!

And by the way, if you are a part of our Young Living team, we have special discounts for you!  Join our team and make a difference in the world and additional income with Young Living.. part time or full time!

You can also ask us about FREE ESSENTIAL OILS AND PRODUCTS by hosting your class/party!


We will also still be doing our monthly FREE introductory basic class, Essential Oils 101 – Intro to Young Living, on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. September’s is September 11, 2012!