My favorite oil is Valor. Why you may ask? Well, there are several reasons. First of all, when I use it daily, it assists me in feeling grounded and I am ready to take on whatever the day has for me!
Also, this is the first oil I ever used. My good friend Dr. LeAnne Deardeuff, who introduced me to Young Living's essential oils, told me to get it and just rub it on the bottom of my feet every day. So I did. After a couple of months, my chiropractor at the time, Dr. Christopher Gouse, asked me how I was doing when I had taken one of my children in to see him. He was concerned because he'd not adjusted my hip for some time. He would have to adjust it regularly as a result of a snow mobiling accident I'd had several years before. The adjustment might last for a few days, or maybe a week or maybe two. It would continually pop out of place. I told him that day that it wasn't hurting or giving me problems and so he asked if he could just check it to see. He did and it was holding in place. He asked what I had been doing differently. I told him I couldn't think of anything! It wasn't until the drive home that the little light bulb in my head went on and I remembered the Valor!
So you may ask why Valor would make a difference? Well, I'll give you a hint! It has been nicknamed "Chiropractor in a bottle!" You see, everything has a frequency. Valor has the same frequency as a healthy human body! And it assists with aligning the energy of the body and stabilizing it! How does it work exactly. Well, I don't totally know. But what I do know is that after having my hip pop out of place for several years, it now doesn't! When I go to the chiropractor for an adjustment, I make sure I use Valor to assist in holding the adjustment longer. And I still use Valor every morning! What a blessing this precious oil has been! Try it - You may just love it as much as I do!