Monday, November 30, 2009

The Healing Oils of the Bible

A Program to be presented by

Quin Stringham
Natural Wellness Consultant, Educator, Business Developer
Young Living Essential Oils Independent Distributor #96041

~Oils for healing, cleansing, and holy anointing are
mentioned more than 500 times in the Bible~

~Aloes, Cassia, Frankincense, Galbanum, Hyssop, Balm, Spikenard,
Cedarwood, Myrrh, and many more~

~Modern science finds some of them to be as effective as antibiotics and
to promote overall health, vitality, and longevity~

~Come learn, enjoy, share and experience these holy healing oils~

Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:15 – 9:00 p.m.

Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Wellness
3 Sprint Drive, Suite 4, Carlisle, PA 17013

Seating is limited ♦ RSVP required ♦ Bring your Bibles

Contact: Quin Stringham, Essentials 4 Wholeness LLC, at 717-385-2300

~$10 with early RSVP, $15 for day of the event, includes handout~
First 10 to RSVP will receive the “120 Uses for Bible Oils” document

(If you cannot make this event, and you are interested,
please call me to find out about other events or to schedule your own event!)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weekly Young Living Calls

Want to learn more about essential oils, wellness and healing? It is FREE! Listen twice a week to successful Young Living practitioners and distributors share their wisdom and expereince! Conference calls are held every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 9PM Eastern time. To join our live calls, dial 712-432-0443. Enter code: 2009411#

On Tuesday, September 8th, Dr. LeAnne and I will be discussing Pediatrics and essential oils!

Did you miss this week's call? Or just getting started and find you have a thirst for learning as much as you can? No problem! Just go to and listen to the archived calls. Calls do not post right away so be sure and listen live if possible!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ultimate Balance Workshop

Would You Like to...

Add more power to your essential oils?
Learn cutting-edge healing techniques?
Get it from a top expert?

Learn the
Ultimate Balance

Join Quin Stringham, and
Special guest Dr. LeAnne Deardeuff, D.C.
Author of Ultimate Balance
(via Skype)

August 22nd 2009 10am- 5 pm
at the Days Inn Carlisle
101 Alexander Spring Road
Carlisle, PA
(Lunch on your own 12-1)

Chakras – a practical approach!

Chinese meridians – where and what they are,
and how to use them to boost health!

Muscle testing – and how to enhance it using Organ Reflex Points!

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
– supercharged with essential oils!

This and more in a hands-on, interactive workshop!

Pre-register Now! *

*You must have third party cookies enabled to use PayPal

Pre-registration includes:
The six hour workshop valued at $175.00
plus the BONUS GIFTS OF:
A copy of Dr. LeAnne’s new book "Ultimate Balance" valued at $25.00
A coupon for 15% off of a Personal Consultation
(valued at $127.00) with Dr. LeAnne
Total value: $327.00
All this for just $97 when you pre-register before August 13, 2009

Registration after August 13 will be $150.00
This will not include a copy of “Ultimate Balance” or a coupon for Dr. LeAnne

Registration at the door will be $175.00
"Ultimate Balance" will be available to buy for $25,
"Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils" for $20

Pre-register Now! *

or contact Quin Stringham at 717-385-2300

Hurry! Seating is Limited!
*You must have third party cookies enabled to use PayPal

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy New Year!

January is half over and I haven't written. Life does get busy. It is the 19th of January and I just got my Christmas tree and decorations down. Well, the good news is that it doesn't matter. I completely love and accept myself and do the best job I can do. When I get feeling overwhelmed and feel frustrated, I use oils and tap! Do you know about tapping? Read on...

Dr. LeAnne Deardeuff, my dear friend of about 23 years, my mentor in natural healing, and my upline in Young Living, is doing a weekly radio show on blogspot. This past week was great so please visit the link and check it out. Whether you are familiar with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or not, it is a great healing modality and can be used with or without oils. Of course, anytime a healing modality is used with another, the benefits are increased. Dr. LeAnne gives some tips there on the link of oils you can use. If you are not focused on the oils, you can use EFT and tapping for anything in your life!

On this show, Dr. LeAnne discusses EFT with expert Deborah Miller about how to use EFT and how to put more power behind the words in our subconscious mind. Deborah D. Miller has a passion for helping people find their inner light and letting it shine out into the world. Deborah has a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology, and is an EFT practitioner.

Now this week's show (on the 22nd) will be about using oils combined with the Law of Attraction. Just like her last two weeks, you can listen live or to the playback at your own convenience. If you can listen to the show live, it does have an interactive component. You can listen online and also call in to the show. So, check it out at:

BE WELL! Make it your best year yet!

With love and joy,