Monday, December 6, 2010
Healing Oils of the Bible
A Program to be presented by
Quin Stringham
Natural Health & Wellness Consultant and Educator
Young Living Essential Oils Independent Distributor #96041
at Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Wellness
3 Sprint Drive, Suite 4, Carlisle, PA 17013
• Oils for healing, cleansing, and holy anointing are mentioned more than
500 times in the Bible
• Aloes, Cassia, Frankincense, Galbanum, Hyssop, Balm, Spikenard,
Cedarwood, Myrrh, and many more
• Moses used them to protect the Israelites from disease.
• Mary and Joseph used them to keep baby Jesus and themselves
• Modern science finds some of them to be as effective as antibiotics and
to promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.
• Come learn, enjoy, share and experience these holy, healing oils.
Wednesday, December 15th, 2010
(Please note date change from original published flyer)
7:15 to 9:00 p.m.
Seating is limited ♦ RSVP required ♦ Bring your Bibles
Contact: Quin Stringham at 717-385-2300 or Dr. Diller’s office at 717-241-2600
$5 with early RSVP, $10 for day of the event
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Medicine Cabinet Health - class on Nov 9th, 2010
Fungal Infections, Hormone Balance, Cold Medicine, Weight loss,
Pain Relief, Sleep Aids, Eczema, Headaches, Migraines, Nausea
and much more!
JOIN US for 90 minutes of FUN and LEARNING that could change your life or someone you love like these participants:
“After years of pain, no energy and literally living in my bed, I have my life back again.” Donna Winter,
“ I believe Young Living saved my life and using the techniques has given me energy again. ” Michael Welch,
on Tuesday, November 9, 2009 at 7:15 p.m.
TUITION: $5.00 if Pre-Registered (1st time Guests get FREE tuition if Pre-Registered) $10 at the door. REGISTER with
Today - Blog Talk Radio Show!
Natural Ways to Overcome Overeating This
Join Dr. LeAnne and I as we give all kinds of wonderful ways to avoid overeating and gaining weight this Holiday Season.
This episode airs at 11/3/10 11:00AM PDT - 11/3/10 1:00PM CDT - 11/3/10 2:00PM EDT.
Listen online at
or use the Call-in Number for the live show: (347) 205-9882
If you missed the show, use the online address and listen to the replay!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Upcoming "All About Thieves" Class
Do you experience lack of energy, immune system challenges, have allergies or mold in your home, you won't want to miss this class!
This Wednesday, the 6th of October, we will be doing this FREE class on Dr. LeAnne's BlogTalk Radio show! If you have a testimonial you would like to share about Thieves oil or any Thieves products, please call them in to the testimonial line... 512-827-0505, Ext 5073!
The class will be at 2 p.m. EST. Go to for more details and the link and number to get on the via the internet or on the phone during the live show. If you can't make the class, it will be archived and you can listen to the recording on the above website! My team member, Christina Sollers and I will be doing the call! Please join us and invite those who would benefit!
If you are in the area and want to come to a live class and experience the Thieves oil and products in person, please come on Tuesday, October 12th at 7:15 p.m. to Dr. Diller's Cumberland County Chiropractic and Wellness office, 3 Sprint Drive, Suite 4, Carlisle, PA 17013. The class is $5 for a reserved spot or $10 at the door. Call me at 717-385-2300 or Alice at 717-241-2600 to reserve your spot! We always have door prizes and fun! Don't miss out!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Summary of Services and Prices
Raindrop Technique sessions ~ $65 (one hour session)
The Raindrop Technique is a massage technique where a sequence of highly anti-microbial essential oils are applied along the spine and back. The oils are dispensed like little drops of rain. Various gentle massage techniques are used. This technique is considered a powerful yet non-invasive tool to assist spinal abnormalities, back pain, and many other issues.
Aromatherapy Massages ~ $45 (approx 45 minutes)
This massage uses some basic oils and techniques as the Raindrop Technique, only this massage is designed to relax and rejuvenate the limbs as well and does not use as many essential oils.
Emotional Release Sessions ~ begin at $80 for one hour session, $1 each additional minute.
A book could be inserted here to explain Emotional Release. In a nutshell, YLTG essential oils are applied and emotional release techniques are used to facilitate the release of negative emotions, memories, and experiences, allowing the client to then move forward towards wholeness. Each experience is different and is dependent on what the client is ready to release.
Vita-Flex Reflexology session (usually 20-30 minutes)
Sickness is often the result of blocked nerve pathways. Vita-Flex helps move the healing molecules of essential oils along these pathways. When a gap or malfunction is encountered along the way, the oils and voltages jump-start faulty electrical circuitry, helping restore proper function.
For Ears/Hearing with oils ~ $25
For healing through the feet without oils ~$35 With oils ~$45
Using Vita-Flex (which means vitality through the reflexes), can help restore and maintain the body's natural equilibrium. This gentle therapy encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance. It is powerful without essential oils. However, when essential oils are added, the effectiveness of both are enhanced considerably.
Wellness consultations with muscle testing or wellness coaching sessions
~ $25 for 30 minutes ~ $40 for an hour
These personalized sessions allow the client to discover information about YLEO, ask questions, and consult about how YLTG (Young Living Therapeutic Grade) essential oils and supplements can be beneficial to his/her health. This also includes coaching for food or health challenges.
By referring others or by hosting a workshop or party, you can earn a FREE Young Living products, a Raindrop Technique Massage, or an Aromatherapy Massage. Ask for Details!
Mini wellness consults at a business presentation are free.
Discount Packages
Packages are available for all services with a discount.
March's special is buy three Raindrop Technique Massages ($190) or three Aromatherapy Massages ($130), save $5 and receive a 30 minute consulation or coaching session FREE to use for yourself or to give away to someone you love!
Visa, MC, and Discover accepted, as well as checks and cash.
Gift Cards and Gift Certificates always available!
Give the gift of health and wellness!