Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Medicine Cabinet Health - class on Nov 9th, 2010



Fungal Infections, Hormone Balance, Cold Medicine, Weight loss,

Pain Relief, Sleep Aids, Eczema, Headaches, Migraines, Nausea

and much more!

JOIN US for 90 minutes of FUN and LEARNING that could change your life or someone you love like these participants:

“After years of pain, no energy and literally living in my bed, I have my life back again.” Donna Winter, Savannah NY Fibromyalgia Recovery

“ I believe Young Living saved my life and using the techniques has given me energy again. ” Michael Welch, Buffalo, NY Cancer Survivor


Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Wellness,

3 Sprint Drive, Suite 4 Carlisle, PA 17015

on Tuesday, November 9, 2009 at 7:15 p.m.

TUITION: $5.00 if Pre-Registered (1st time Guests get FREE tuition if Pre-Registered) $10 at the door. REGISTER with Alice at 717-241-2600 or with Quin, Essentials 4 Wholeness LLC, at 717-385-2300

Today - Blog Talk Radio Show!

Today… Wednesdsay….

Natural Ways to Overcome Overeating This Holiday Season

Join Dr. LeAnne and I as we give all kinds of wonderful ways to avoid overeating and gaining weight this Holiday Season.

This episode airs at 11/3/10 11:00AM PDT - 11/3/10 1:00PM CDT - 11/3/10 2:00PM EDT.

Listen online at

or use the Call-in Number for the live show: (347) 205-9882

If you missed the show, use the online address and listen to the replay!