Friday, December 2, 2011

December Classes

An Invitation to

FEEL and LIVE Young again with YOUNG LIVING

With two great classes in December!

Presented by Quin Stringham, YL Independent Distr # 96041


Class #1 - The Power of Essential Oils

Big Spring Event and Activities Center , 2 Chestnut Street, Newville, PA

Thursday, December 1, 11:00 a.m. -12:00 noon (day class)

Wednesday, December 7, 6:30-7:30 p.m. (evening class)

As a member of the Big Spring Event and Activities Center the class is FREE.  If not, there is a minimal charge of $2.

You must pre-register for Newville!  Please go to to pre-register.  If you do not have internet access, please call 717-221-7391 or 717-776-1065

Class #2 - All About Thieves

In Carlisle, PA – Location to be given when you RSVP!

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Please RSVP to Quin at 717-385-2300

Spend 1+ hour of your week learning and experiencing health tools that can change your life.

I haven't had a cavity since I started using Thieves. Every time I had a tooth filled the root would die and I would need a root canal... anyway once I used Thieves all my problems went away. Checking with a dentist, he asked if I ever had St Vincent disease (trench mouth). I had it in college! My understanding is that virus never goes away. I'm guessing that I started using Thieves twelve or thirteen years ago. I love Thieves!     - Karen Balistreri, Wisconsin

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Next Class... Healing Oils of the Bible

October 20, 2011, a Thursday Evening, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
RSVP Required as seating is limited.
Call me, Quin, at 717-385-2300 to reserve your spot!
Location in Carlisle, PA

• Oils for healing, cleansing, and holy anointing are mentioned more than 500 times in the Bible.

• Aloes, Cassia, Frankincense, Galbanum, Hyssop, Balm, Spikenard,
Cedarwood, Myrrh, and many more…

• Moses used them to protect the Israelites from disease.

• Mary and Joseph used them to keep baby Jesus and themselves healthy.

• Modern science finds some of them to be as effective as antibiotics and to promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.

• Come learn, enjoy, share and experience these holy, healing oils.

$15 paid in advance with RSVP, includes a drop of each oil
$20 at the door
FREE if you come to just inhale and experience the oils!
Everyone will be entered into the drawing for special oil!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vita-Flex: Bumping up reflexology to a new level!

Suppose you're experiencing some diestive distress and you're looking for a quick, simple and non-toxic way to feel relief? You've heard that some essential oils such as YLTG peppermint, ginger or even DiGize blend are supposed to be helpful. But just what is the most effective way to apply these oils for the most targeted results?

The answer?  Vita-flex!

Combined with Young Living Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) essential oils, Vita-flex is a truly an amazing way to direct the power of the oils to specific body systems. It can often provide instantaneous relief... Physically, mentally and emotionally! It's one of the simplest ways to super-charge your aromatherapy work to produce profound results and optimize your health!

So what exactly is Vita-flex?

Vita-flex is an exciting variation on reflexology. It was brought to the attention of the western world by Stanley Burroughs in his book, Healing for the Age of Enlightenment. It is thought to have originated in Tibet.


In what is possibly the first medical book ever written, the physician to China's Yellow Emperor explained how a person's life-force (Xi or chi) flowed through identifable channels in the body (called meridians), and by stimulating specific points along these meridians, you could influence their corresponding body systems. This was done through the insertion of needles in system known as accupuncture.
Related to this are acupressure and reflexology, where specific points are stimulated in a non-invasive application of finger-tip pressure. If you've ever experienced any of these by a qualified practitioner, you know how really effective they can be!

Vita-flex is a related art, and works on the same principles as the better-known reflexology. However, instead of applying firm pressure to the reflexology point, vita-flex uses a gentle rolling motion of pads of the fingers, finger tips, then the nail bed, and then back again, creating a piezo electrical firing. From my experience, this technique maximizes the energetic effect, while avoiding the negative effects of the interruption of circulation and stuck energy that you can get with reflexology - and is a much more comfortable experience.
The 13 vita-flex techniques that we use are...
 1. Spinal vitaflex points of the feet
 2. Colon clearning on the shins
 3. Colon clearning on the feet
 4. lung area of the feet
 5. Bronchial vitaflex points of the feet
 6. Sinus vitaflex points of the feet
 7. Head and brain vitaflex on the toes, including the toe stretch
 8. Vitaflex on the head, including hair pull
 9. Heart pump on left hand and arm,
10. Heart reflex on the left foot
11. Vitaflex technique for the ears and hearing
12. Lymphatic pump
13. Hip/atlas Vitaflex


Now, in a giant leap forward in natural healing methods, Gary Young coupled the use of Young Living Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) essential oils, to bring to you a truly amazing modality for optimizing your health. When Gary Young first introducted the Raindrop Technique, he was inspired to incorporate Vita-flex with the essential oils into the technique. And while Vita-flex itself can stand alone and has significant healing potential by itself, the use of Young Living Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) essential oils with this technique amplifies its effectiveness many times over!

My first experience with Vita-flex was at a Young Living hands-on training in Philadelphia in 1999 (I think that was the year anyway). There I learned the Raindrop Technique and also basic Vita-flex. In 2005, I attended my first C.A.R.E. (The Center for Aromatherapy Research, and Education) training after a Young Living convention in SLC, Utah. It was through C.A.R.E. I learned more Vita-flex than just the basics. You can read more about C.A.R.E. at

Recently, I attended a C.A.R.E. training in Sterling, Virginia with Donna Evans LMP, MH, FCCI. With the change of the law in Pennsylvania, anyone working on the body with massage techniques are required to be licensed in some way. So to fix that, through C.A.R.E., I am working on my certification to be a Certified Raindrop Practitioner and also through C.A.R.E., I can apply for my license as a Licensed Spiritual Healer. This will allow me to continue doing what I have done for 12 years now. Donna Evans is serving as my mentor. She is a fabulous instructor, an amazing author, and a wonderful woman. Please check out her website at

To assist me with completing the certification process of Raindrop Technique and Vita-flex, I am offering an incredible special. I have limited spots, so please don not delay if you are really interested. I am not going to be so inexpensive for very long!

So... get this...
Raindrop Technique session... donation of $32.50 (1/2 price)
Vita-flex Session... donation of $10 (too cheap to even comprehend actually!) $5 additional if additional oils are used for the hearing technique.

Oh, and in case you are wondering what the Vita-flex covers, it is ten applications for the immune, circulatory, digestive, nervous, lymphatic, skeletal, and respiratory systems, as well as hearing! You must experience it to truly appreciate it!

Once I have met my quota for the sessions required, I will be teaching 6 lucky people at a severely reduced price, about how to do both the Raindrop Technique and Vita-flex techniques. So that is a total of 12 people... and I can teach two at a time!  Vita-flex for two students takes about 3-4 hours and Raindrop technique takes about 4 hours. Each person will receive as I demonstrate and then the partnered person practices the techniques. They exchange places when completed.
If you are interested in any of the reduced sessions or in the teaching sessions in the Carlisle, PA area, please contact me at 717-385-2300 ASAP! My spaces are already filling up quickly!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The hot Boggy days of August


So what does the word boggy mean exactly... it is how I feel when I have been outside lately... wet and spongy! Well, this too shall pass! In the meantime, I keep hydrated, and really am enjoying drinking water with my FREE oils I received last month in July from Young Living. Citrus oils are so yummy... my favorite is Tangerine, but of course, Lemon, Orange, and Grapefruit are all wonderful too!


So this month there is a FREE Essential 7 kit. I don't have time to write all about it, so please check out the details on Young Living's website...
I will tell you it is a fabulous deal... just place a 200 pv order (by yourself, go together with a friend, do a catalog party, host one of the many parties I do... so many options), and then the kit is yours! It has seven great oils... check them out!
My classes (which you must RSVP for) this month in August are as follows:
8/16/2011 - YL Experience Evening - The Basics, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
8/18/2011 - YL Experience Day - Pamper Party, 1-3 p.m.
and for those who want a really fun night...

8/17/2011 - YL Corporate Event at the BWI Marriott... 5:30-6:30 Abundance Training and 7:00-8:30 an Intro to Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance. Fun evening... can't wait!

And in September, as of right now, I have scheduled

9/6/2011 - YL Experience Evening - The basics, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
9/15/2011 - Oils of the Bible, 10 a.m. - noon
and what is going to be really fun...

YL Convention in Orlando... September 22, 23, and 24! I'll be there! Yahoo! So excited!
Will you be there too?

Be Well! And keep dry... if that is even possible with these boggy days of August! ;o)

Sunday, July 10, 2011


July has arrived with a bang... as always! And here in Central PA we have the hot weather to go with hot firecrackers and fireworks! It's summer... what do we expect? To cool off, why not enjoy a tall glass of water with some amazing citrus oils? Which one? Well you can choose from 4 FREE citrus oils if you qualify this month! Lemon, Grapefruit, Tangerine, and Orange are all delicious and invigorating! Replace flavored waters, which often contain sugar or artificial sweeteners! Fill your glass or stainless steel bottle with water and your favorite 5-10 drops of citrus oil, or combination. Add a tsp of Blue Agave if desired, stir or shake, and drink! If you want, just use a couple of drops of oil without the agave... to add a hint of flavor and the amazing aroma that will energize the body and mind!

Just place a 180 PV order in the month of July and you'll receive these four oils FREE! See the promotions page at for more details. That's $66.12 of FREE oils!

To listen to a conference call all about the wonderful properties of these oils with me and Dr. LeAnne, just go to Dr. LeAnne's website at Just put in your info and you'll be connected to the audio. There are also currently three other great audios to listen to. While you are there get the phone number and code for our Wednesday night class and listen live at 8 p.m. EST!

If you are in the Carlisle area, my basic Young Living Experience classes are this Thursday evening, the 14th of July, 2011, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at my home. Please call 717-385-2300 to RSVP and save your spot! My day class for the same class will be on July 25th, Monday, from 1-3 p.m. I will not be holding a class at the Cumberland Valley Chiropractor and Wellness office this month... stay tuned for August classes!

Remember that everyone deserves to be WHOLE... wholistically speaking! If I can assist you on your wellness journey, please give me a call and set up a wellness consultation! This includes a personal scan. July's special for this $35... a $25 savings.


with joy,


Friday, May 6, 2011

Upcoming Classes:

Young Living Experience - The Basics!

Evening Class - Tuesday, May 10th, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at my house in Carlisle, PA

Call 717-385-2300 or email to reserve your spot. This class is FREE for my team members and new team members and invited guests. If you are new to YL from my YL group, and you want to learn more about YL, or if you haven't joined YL yet, but are contemplating it, then this is the class for you! If you are already in YL and from another group, you are welcome to come to my monthly class - see below - at Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Wellness. The Young Living Expeience at my house is a way to learn more about YL and share it with those who want to know more.

Oops - cancelled! Although I usually have a YL Experience day class, and even though I scheduled it for Wednesday, May 11th, I have double booked myself. The next day class will be Monday, June 13th, 2011, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Thanks for being patient with me!

All About Thieves!

Moms who work (what mom doesn't work?) outside the home, don't have time for their family to get sick! Lots of mothers are turning to Thieves blend essential oil to prevent illness allowing them to continue to work.

Every mom knows how hard it is to juggle working ouside the home and taking care of their children. It can be a toal nightmare to wake up in the morning with sick children and wonder who will take care orf them! Especially if their daycare providers refuse to take in sick children. Now a grandmother, or other relative needs to be called to see if they can rearrage their busy schedules!

Join us Tuesday, May 24ths at 8 p.m. to find out how Thieves Essential Oil blend and the many Thieves products such as Thieves clenaer have helped many women keep sickness at bay for themselves and their family members.

Instead of the monthly class at Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Wellness,
we will be learning all about the Thieves and Thieves products via a conference call!

You can attend in your PJ's if you want!

And great news... Young Living has a Thieves Special this month!

Check it out at

Again, the Thieves class is Tuesday evening, May 24th, 2011, 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.

The call in number is 1-218-862-1300. Enter Conference Code #975185

There is NO Cost for this call! It will be recorded!

There will be a question and answer period at the end.

The location is your phone!

The replay will be available online!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Young Living Experience - Come learn the basics

Once again this month I am hosting a Young Living Experience in my home ... learning about the basics, for my Young Living team and invited guests. If you would like to come, please call me or my team members who refered you. You will get to experience essential oils, essential nutrition, and essential living products! We also talk about how we share the Young Living with others, which blesses them and blesses us in return! The dates for April's Young Living Experience are the 19th, Tuesday, from 6:30 - 8:30 for the evening experience and the 28th, Thursday, from 9:30-11:30 for the day experience. RSVP is a must. The Experience is FREE. Please call 717-385-2300 to RSVP or for more info.

The Healing Oils of the Bible Class, April 2011

April's Class at Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Wellness

11 Sprint Drive, Suite 4, Carlisle, PA 17015

The Healing Oils of the Bible

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

7:15-9:15 p.m.

Come and discover how

* Oils for healing, cleansing, and holy anointing

are mentioned more than 500 times in the Bible.

*Aloes, Cassia, Frankincense, Galbanum, Hyssop, Balm,

Spikenard, Cedarwood, Myrrh, and many more...

*Moses used them to protect the Israelites from disease.

*Mary and Joseph used them to keep

Jesus and themselves healthy.

*Modern science finds some of them to be as efficitive as antibiotics

and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.

Come learn, enjoy, share and experience these holy, healing oils!

**** Seating is limited * * * RSVP required ****

To attend, please contact

Quin Stringham at 717-385-2300 or Dr. Diller's office at 717-241-2300

Cost to attend this class...

$15 with early RSVP, $20 for day of event which

included experiencing a drop of each oil shared!

Budget deal... Only $5 to inhale the oils!

-printed info included-

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 2011 Classes

Two Invitations to

FEEL and LIVE Young again



Young Living Experience – The Basics

Tuesday, March 15, 12:30-2 p.m. or

Thursday, March 17, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

WHERE: Quin Stringham’s home

Carlisle, PA 17013

RSVP: to Quin at 717-385-2300

COST: Free… Just RSVP required as seating is limited!

Pay it forward… bring a friend!



Cleansing – Cleaning up the Toxic Dump

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 - 7:15-9:00 p.m.

WHERE: Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Wellness

11 Sprint Drive, Suite 4, Carlisle, PA 17013

RSVP: to Quin at 717-385-2300 or to Alice at 717-241-2600

COST: $5 with RSVP and $10 at the door, seating limited

Spend 1+ hour of your week learning and experiencing health tools that can change your life.

“ Seven years ago I was invited to the same type of informational session you will be experiencing. Back then I suffered with terrible allergies, I was taking allergy shots and allergy medication. I had asthma, was on 2 puffers, steroids, masks and often had prolonged stays in the hospital. I had almost a yearly stay in the hospital with bad bronchitis and sometimes pneumonia. I had chronic headaches and migraines, nosebleeds, ulcers, broken bones, cysts, low energy and 15 pounds of extra weight. Today because of what I have been shown, I have not taken any prescription or over the counter medications since 2001. I no longer have any of the medical problems mentioned above. I feel great, I love life, I love God and I am grateful for my health. My goal is to share what I know with others so they can have the same results and pass it on to many more people ” - Crystal Parrott

Young Living's NingXia Red

Here is a great video about Young Living's juice infusion "NingXia Red" to watch! You can learn why NingXia Red is such a powerful antioxidant! I don't know... all I know is that I drink it daily and have tons of energy. I am enjoying my 50's and my eyes continue to get better. In fact, I no longer wear glasses full time! How awesome is that?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Releasing Negative Emotions with Essential Oils

An Invitation to FEEL and LIVE Young Again


Releasing Negative Emotions with Essential Oils
Wednesday February 23, 2011 7:15-9:00

Come and experience how the essential oils in Young Living's Feelings Collection can provide the first step in releasing negative emotions and experiences that adversely impact our lives.

The oils of Valor, Release, Forgiveness, Harmony, Inner Child and Present Time can provide the foundation for balancing energy, forgiveness and identifying oneself.

In this hands on experience, each participant will have the opportunity

to apply each Young Living's Feelings Collection essential oil in a

"Set Yourself Free" guided meditation exerecise with sound.

WHERE: Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Welllness

(2 story bldg beside Quality Care Pharmacy at
the corner of Walnut Bottom & Sprint Drive)

3 Sprint Drive, Suite 4 (upstairs)
Carlisle, PA 17013


March - Cleansing...

April - Oils of the Bible

7:15-9:00 p.m.

RSVP to Quin at 717-385-2300
or to Alice at 717-241-2600

COST: $15 with RSVP and $20 at the door,
although space is limited.

BRING: Water bottle, and for comfort a yoga mat,
blanket, and pillow. This may be done sitting up
in a chair as well and a journal is a good idea.

Spend less than 2 hours of your week
learning and experiencing health tools
that can change your life.

"Before I had my emotional release with essential oils, I did not sleep very well due to things from my past. I had a very short fuse with people from all the anger/rage inside of me. I had the inner chaos thing going on. Relationships were even issues for me with friends, family, and co-workers. The counselors and psychiatrists didn't help me get over my issues, and I was just numbed with medication to sedate my mind and body. My thoughts were so negative which led to health problems one right after another, just a chair reaction from all the negative emotions. I felt scared to face the issues I needed to face but let me tell you something, afterwards I felt so free...a huge weight lifted off my chest. I started noticing how my life was changing in a good, positive manner. I recommend an emotional release with essential oils to anyone who wants to move on with their life in a positive way. - Chris S in PA

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shedding weight - weight loss!

An Invitation to FEEL and LIVE Young again with YOUNG LIVING

Start the year off right… Release some extra baggage!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 7:15-8:30 p.m.

Over 2/3 of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese, and the number of obese people in the nation has doubled since 1970. Along with the extra fat comes increased risk for a number of diseases, including cardiovascular problems, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. People who are overweight are also much less likely to have good physical stamina.

How would you like to do any of the following? –

-Save money on medical expenses-

-Be less dependent on drugs and doctors-

-Be more prepared to take care of yourself and your family daily as well as in an emergency-

-Have more energy-

-Feel more attractive-

If you are carrying around a gut or have some “junk in your trunk”, shedding weight , known as “losing” weight to some, will help you to do each of these! Come and find out how…

WHERE: Cumberland Valley Chiropractic and Wellness

(2 story bldg beside Quality Care Pharmacy at the corner of Walnut Bottom & Sprint Dr)

3 Sprint Drive, Suite 4, Carlisle, PA 17013

RSVP to Quin at 717-385-2300 or to Alice or Courtney at 717-241-2600

COST: FREE with RSVP or $10 at the door, seating limited!

Why come alone? Bring someone and receive a thank you gift –

and they will thank you as well!

Spend less than 2 hours of your week learning and

experiencing health tools that can change your life.


The Feelings Kit – About Stress and Depression, Tuesday, 2/8, 7:15-8:30 p.m.