July has arrived with a bang... as always! And here in Central PA we have the hot weather to go with hot firecrackers and fireworks! It's summer... what do we expect? To cool off, why not enjoy a tall glass of water with some amazing citrus oils? Which one? Well you can choose from 4 FREE citrus oils if you qualify this month! Lemon, Grapefruit, Tangerine, and Orange are all delicious and invigorating! Replace flavored waters, which often contain sugar or artificial sweeteners! Fill your glass or stainless steel bottle with water and your favorite 5-10 drops of citrus oil, or combination. Add a tsp of Blue Agave if desired, stir or shake, and drink! If you want, just use a couple of drops of oil without the agave... to add a hint of flavor and the amazing aroma that will energize the body and mind!
Just place a 180 PV order in the month of July and you'll receive these four oils FREE! See the promotions page at http://www.youngliving.com/ for more details. That's $66.12 of FREE oils!
To listen to a conference call all about the wonderful properties of these oils with me and Dr. LeAnne, just go to Dr. LeAnne's website at http://www.beradiantnow.com/. Just put in your info and you'll be connected to the audio. There are also currently three other great audios to listen to. While you are there get the phone number and code for our Wednesday night class and listen live at 8 p.m. EST!
If you are in the Carlisle area, my basic Young Living Experience classes are this Thursday evening, the 14th of July, 2011, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at my home. Please call 717-385-2300 to RSVP and save your spot! My day class for the same class will be on July 25th, Monday, from 1-3 p.m. I will not be holding a class at the Cumberland Valley Chiropractor and Wellness office this month... stay tuned for August classes!
Remember that everyone deserves to be WHOLE... wholistically speaking! If I can assist you on your wellness journey, please give me a call and set up a wellness consultation! This includes a personal scan. July's special for this $35... a $25 savings.
with joy,