Sunday, September 9, 2012
Ta-Da... Announcing and asking, HOW THE HEALTH ARE YOU?!
That is the name Esse Muskopf, Amanda Jones, and I, Quin Stringham, have given our series of Total Health and Wellness classes with Young Living Essential Oils, here in Carlisle, PA! We are so excited! We hope you will be joining us if you are in the area!
If you don't know or haven't heard, Esse Muskopf has just returned to Carlisle from Alabama and before that she was in Springfiled, Virginia, thanks to her hubby Jim who is a Colonel in the US Army! I had the joy of introducing Esse to Young Living in May of 2005, back when we volunteered and took our training together at Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis of Carlisle. That was just 7 years ago! Wow, I can't imagine life without Esse! She is an amazing friend, business partner, massage therapist and well, I really would have to do just an entire blog post on Esse to truly to her justice. Let's just say I am so blessed to have her in my life and excited to be teamed up with her for these classes!
Amanda Jones has been in Carlisle for several years now, hailing from Pittsburg. Although formally trained and licensed as an Estitician, she now works full time as a wife to Lewis and mother to her two cute kids, and she shares Young Living on the side! Amanda was introduced to YL thorugh Dr. Carloline Diller at Cumbervalley Chiropractic and Wellness about a year and seven months ago here in Carlisle and has had an amazing transformation with Young Living, getting her health back and seeing such a change in her family! You'll want to be sure and hear her story! I am so blessed to have Amanda a part of my Young Living team! Young Living has brought me such amazing friends!
So many of my wonderful friends, business associates in the community, and Young Living team members in the area keep saying, Quin, when is your next class? So often I haven't had classes planned out far enough in advance for people to really plan for them. Ok, well, I am done with that! With Esse and Amanda's help, we got serious and here's the plan! And oh, by the way...
Total Health and Wellness Classes Young Living Essential Oils in Carlisle, PA
These classes will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except December and June) from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location announced each month at registration or for those pre-registered, by email or phone call. Attendees can attend one or all the classes!
Class 1, September 18, 2012
Healing Homes … is your home a toxic, green, or healing home?!
Class 2, October 16, 2012
Women’s Essentials… Proven Strategies for Top Women’s Health Concerns
Class 3, November 20, 2013
What’s in your medicine cabinet? Doctor Mom class… for your pets too!
Class 4, January 22, 2013
Weight loss and cleansing… time to clean house and take out the garbage!
Class 5, February 19. 2013
Love Yourself … Effective Natural Solutions for stress, anxiety, depression and mental fatigue.
Class 6, March 19, 2013
Healing Oils of the Bible
Class 7, April 16, 2013
Real answers for pain and Inflammation!
Class 8, May 21, 2013
Pamper Yourself … Facials and Feet!
Plan for 90+ minutes of FUN and LEARNING that could change your life!
$20 per class on day of class
Pre-register and Prepay by the Friday before class, only $15, which includes an essential oil sample with each prepaid class!
The Excited About It Package - $50 Include choice of four classes
The Can’t Wait Package - $95 includes ALL 8 CLASSES
FOR REGISTRATION AND PRE-PAYMENT CONTACT Quin at 717-385-2300 or Esse at 717-218-2434 or Amanda at 717-240-0755
PRE-PAYMENT can be done via paypal to
Those who are Pre-registered and prepaid will be eligible for other special unadvertised classes!
Don’t delay – get your spot today! Space is limited to the first 10 pre-registered and prepaid people!
And by the way, if you are a part of our Young Living team, we have special discounts for you! Join our team and make a difference in the world and additional income with Young Living.. part time or full time!
You can also ask us about FREE ESSENTIAL OILS AND PRODUCTS by hosting your class/party!
We will also still be doing our monthly FREE introductory basic class, Essential Oils 101 – Intro to Young Living, on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. September’s is September 11, 2012!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Young Living Convention Review 2012
Young Living Convention 2012 was the best convention yet! I am totally overwhelmed after the trip to even begin to share what I learned and experienced! Part of my problem is that I took at 5,000 mile road trip and traveled, visiting friends and family on the way, while there, and on the way back, which was absolutely fantastic! And absolutely exhausting! Talk about overstimulation! Whew! The best part is this is the first year my husband Shand came with me... both on the convention trip out to Utah and back (he is from Utah so of course we have traveled to Utah together before), and he actually attended convention for the first time and went to the Mona, Utah farm for the first time. So yahoo... quite an experience!
If you are in Pennsylvania or close by in the area, or just want to travel here, you are cordially invited to attend my YL Convention 2012 Review night. Of course I was there for six days, if I include the two days of leadership meetings I attended, which I am, and there is no way I can really scratch the surface with what I learned and experienced. I did bring back all the new products and will be sharing those and be giving some fun prizes away! I will also be sharing some nuggets from my favorite classes and giving a little insight of some some fun classes to come. Of course if you are not from the area and would like a teleseminar, let me know. If there is enough interest, I will do this. I can't know unless you tell me, so please let me know!
I took several great break out classes. As always, it was so very hard to choose! This year they were every day of the convention, and even at the farm! It was fantastic! I can't wait to share the information from one of my favorites in August, taught by a YL Diamond Connie McDanel, B.S. and Katherine T. Fuller, M.S. They published a fantastic book called Healing Homes, Our Social Responsibility. I will share their information. Do you have a conventional home with lotions and potions and cleaning products with ingredients you have no idea what they are what they do? Did you ever consider they may be laden with chemicals causing an unnessary burden on yours and your family's bodies and maybe that is why you now have headaches, allergies and other symptoms you never used to have, including your pets? Or do you have "green" home, which is step up, where you are using natural healthy alternatives such as baking soda, vinegar and others? Or did you know you can have a "healing" home, using products that are not only an alternative without chemicals but also can counter the damaging effects and add healing benefits? This class will take your home and your health a new level in examing what, why and how! See dates and times below-
Upcoming Events:
Young Living Convention 2012 Review Night
July 31, 2012, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Young Living Basic Class- now called Intro to YL Lifestyle! A must for all getting started with Young Living!
Thursday, August 9, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Friday, August 24, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Healing Homes, Our Social Responsibility
Thursday, August 16, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Monday, August 20, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
At this time, all events scheduled are at my house, in Carlisle, PA Depending on the attendance, location can change so please RSVP!! Don't just show up!
Call 717-385-2300 or email
All classes are FREE! Bring a friend, just RSVP for them if you do! All classes will also include prize give-aways!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Slique Challenge ends in Triumph!
On February 29, 2012, my husband Shand, of almost 35 years of marriage (June 28th), made the committment, and took on the challenge to shed 50 lbs using Young Living's new Slique products. I have been a product of Young Living's products for 14 years now and I have never been able to motivate my husband to use the products other than an occassional "rub an oil here" kind of a thing! So after MUCH prayer and talking, and asking God to touch his heart and give me the words to express real concern about Shand's weight and health, Shand agreed. The program started in January, so Shand was late in getting started. However, here are the pictures to show how he did! Ta-da......
So here is Shand's testimonial, as the Slique Challenge came to a close one week ago today! We worked at the Milton Hershey School last weekend, so I am finally getting to posting here! There is a $5,000 prize check that may or may not be Shand's at Young Living's convention at the end of this month. However, in our book, he is the Biggest Winner regardless of everyone else's outcome!
Slique Challenge, May 31, 2012
Working in the garden has become a
joy again and I’m enjoying life more in general.
I can bend over and even kneel for extended periods and it doesn't hurt nearly
as much as it used to. As my weight has dropped, I’ve lost a little over
four inches off my waist and I’ve started wearing clothes that I haven’t fit
in for years. I’ve gained a whole new
The Young Living Supplements- Slique Essence, Slique Tea, Essentialzyme 4, Balance Complete shakes and NingXia Red have been very helpful. I really like the Balance Complete shakes. Although they taste great when blended with fresh fruit like strawberries and blueberries, I’ve come to like the shakes just plain mixed with almond milk or soy milk. Good stuff! Much better than most of the milk shakes that I could get at the fast food drive through window. NingXia Red mixed into the Slique Tea with a little lime juice tastes terrific too.
Exercise was also a major contributor to my weight loss and to my state of well being. Each week, I found that I could walk farther without it hurting quite so much. Ultimately, time available became the limiter of how far I walked, not the pain factor. Now, as I finish up the Slique Challenge today, the real challenge begins—to continue my new life habits and not fall back on my old ways. My goal now as I move forward through the Summer and Fall is to lose another 30-40 pounds by Christmas. And that would be very good!
Wow, isn't that amazing?! I love and appreciate my husband and his willingness to over come something that was so challenging for him, and I get that Shand often felt hopeless and believed that he could not change the destructive path he was on! He joked about dying and not being around much longer. Shand is and always has been all about taste and eating! This was huge for him! Truly God hears and answers prayers!
With Young Living, there is a lifestyle that address the whole pictures. Working in the wellness world, that is the big difference... we look at the whole picture. There is no magic bullet! But there are amazing things one can do, and I am so grateful for Gary and Mary Young and all the Young Living staff who work hard to bring us amazing top of the line nutritional products and essential oils so that we can change the world... one person at a time. And for me, this time my client was my husband... the most important person in my world! THANK YOU YOUNG LIVING!
So are you one of those who can relate to my husband... his years of food addictions that have end road of pain and physical pain? If you are, what are you going to do about? And if you are one of those who doesn't have a problem with weight, but you are a sugar-holic... just wait. That life-style, as much as we think it is funny and do not see a visible problem, just wait! You will feel it as you come to find out just how destructive a diet of high carbs, sugars, and empty calories can be! And although my husband Shand has not been on meds except for some otc pain meds, and occasional muscle relaxer, he has been blessed to avoid now that trap, which is huge! Although I lost my health in my 30's to my sugar addiction, we are both examples of how one can get off the road you are on and go on a different road in a different direction!
Well, what are you waiting for? If you feel you deserve assistance with where you are at with your health right now, give me a call! If your health is in need of a make over, if your finances need a change, or you have lost your purpose and would like to find it again, give me a call! I join with Young Living in their mission statement, "We honor our stewardship to champion nature's living energy -- essential oils - by fostering a community of healing and discovery while inspiring individuals to Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance." For more information on the Slique program, go to
May God bless you abundantly, as he has blessed Shand and me!
So here is Shand's testimonial, as the Slique Challenge came to a close one week ago today! We worked at the Milton Hershey School last weekend, so I am finally getting to posting here! There is a $5,000 prize check that may or may not be Shand's at Young Living's convention at the end of this month. However, in our book, he is the Biggest Winner regardless of everyone else's outcome!
Slique Challenge, May 31, 2012
Shand S, age 64
Today, on the final day of the
Slique Challenge, I am feeling very, very good.
On my weigh-in this morning, I was down to 279 and I have now lost 54
pounds. That’s the equivalent of eighteen cans of Crisco!
I have moved up from walking a mile
and a half a day twelve weeks ago to 7-8 miles a day at the midway point to now
10-12 miles a day as we come up on the end of the Challenge. Most days as time allows, I'm walking 5-6 miles every
morning and another 5-6 miles in the evening. My back and my knees are
feeling better than they have in years and I have new energy and stamina.
I stayed on the
Slique regimen throughout the Challenge: NO fast food, potato chips, cookies,
chocolate, sugary desserts or soda pop... all my favorite food addictions. It wasn’t easy at first but it kept getting
easier as I moved forward. I have enjoyed focusing on healthy foods: green
salad, fresh vegetables and fruit, chicken, turkey, fish, spinach omelets and
lots of carrot sticks and dehydrated fruit for snacks.
The Young Living Supplements- Slique Essence, Slique Tea, Essentialzyme 4, Balance Complete shakes and NingXia Red have been very helpful. I really like the Balance Complete shakes. Although they taste great when blended with fresh fruit like strawberries and blueberries, I’ve come to like the shakes just plain mixed with almond milk or soy milk. Good stuff! Much better than most of the milk shakes that I could get at the fast food drive through window. NingXia Red mixed into the Slique Tea with a little lime juice tastes terrific too.
Exercise was also a major contributor to my weight loss and to my state of well being. Each week, I found that I could walk farther without it hurting quite so much. Ultimately, time available became the limiter of how far I walked, not the pain factor. Now, as I finish up the Slique Challenge today, the real challenge begins—to continue my new life habits and not fall back on my old ways. My goal now as I move forward through the Summer and Fall is to lose another 30-40 pounds by Christmas. And that would be very good!
---Shand Stringham, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Wow, isn't that amazing?! I love and appreciate my husband and his willingness to over come something that was so challenging for him, and I get that Shand often felt hopeless and believed that he could not change the destructive path he was on! He joked about dying and not being around much longer. Shand is and always has been all about taste and eating! This was huge for him! Truly God hears and answers prayers!
With Young Living, there is a lifestyle that address the whole pictures. Working in the wellness world, that is the big difference... we look at the whole picture. There is no magic bullet! But there are amazing things one can do, and I am so grateful for Gary and Mary Young and all the Young Living staff who work hard to bring us amazing top of the line nutritional products and essential oils so that we can change the world... one person at a time. And for me, this time my client was my husband... the most important person in my world! THANK YOU YOUNG LIVING!
So are you one of those who can relate to my husband... his years of food addictions that have end road of pain and physical pain? If you are, what are you going to do about? And if you are one of those who doesn't have a problem with weight, but you are a sugar-holic... just wait. That life-style, as much as we think it is funny and do not see a visible problem, just wait! You will feel it as you come to find out just how destructive a diet of high carbs, sugars, and empty calories can be! And although my husband Shand has not been on meds except for some otc pain meds, and occasional muscle relaxer, he has been blessed to avoid now that trap, which is huge! Although I lost my health in my 30's to my sugar addiction, we are both examples of how one can get off the road you are on and go on a different road in a different direction!
Well, what are you waiting for? If you feel you deserve assistance with where you are at with your health right now, give me a call! If your health is in need of a make over, if your finances need a change, or you have lost your purpose and would like to find it again, give me a call! I join with Young Living in their mission statement, "We honor our stewardship to champion nature's living energy -- essential oils - by fostering a community of healing and discovery while inspiring individuals to Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance." For more information on the Slique program, go to
May God bless you abundantly, as he has blessed Shand and me!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Classes and Parties for May 2012
With Young Living
Essential Oils
Classes & Parties for
May 2012
Upcoming scheduled events in Carlisle , PA …
Young Living Experience–
The Basics ! $5, free if 1st class!
On Tuesday, May 15, 2012;
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Leadership & Business Building
On Tuesday, May 29, 2012,
6:30-8:30 p.m.
(Our YL Team Members Only)
Vita Flex, Vitality Through the Reflexes-
with Essential Oils! $5
On Thursday, May 31, 2012,
6:30-8:00 p.m
(to learn more about Vita Flex, see the post from 8/11)
(to learn more about Vita Flex, see the post from 8/11)
NingXia Red Pot Luck Party –
Bring a dish & a guest
(guest is optional)
for a fun night out!
On Friday, May 25, 2012, 6:00-9:00 p.m. (Our YL Team Members Only)
Can’t make these classes or want to have a class/party of your own in your home, church or other location? Other classes offered…
Oils of the Bible
Pamper Yourself Party
Shedding Weight, The Slique Way !
Oils for Children
The Feelings Kit – Releasing Negative Emotions with Essential Oils
Plan for 90 minutes of FUN and LEARNING that could change your life or
Some one you care about like this participant:
My sister has suffered severe neuropathy pain in her legs and feet for several years, preventing her from sleeping most nights, even with the use of some of the strongest prescription pain medications. After using two oils from the YL Everyday Oils kit directly on her legs and feet daily for five days, she reported to me that she had felt no pain for all of those days and was able to sleep nights, even while cutting back on her prescribed pain meds!
– Karen H., Oregon
Or join my team and make additional income with Young Living… part time or full time
Call Quin at 717-385-2300 to schedule an event today or to RSVP and receive location address.
For more info go to
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Animal Desk Reference for essential oils Pre-sale!
After Young Living's convention in Orlando, Florida this past September, I was privledged to attend Dr. Melissa Shelton's "Animals and Essential Oils" Intensive three day training. I learned so much! I am very excited to share Dr. Shelton's announcement about her ADR - Animal Desk Reference for Essential Oils. There is a pre-sale on the book until May 31st. I thought it would be easier to have her tell you about it, so this is from Dr. Shelton that she posted on one of our Young Living Yahoo chat groups on March 24, 2012.
"Hello All!
Just wanted to announce a reminder that the Animal Desk Reference (ADR) book will be released at Young Living International Grand Convention - June 26, 2012. And, answer a few questions I have gotten about it...
We are having a presale to determine numbers to print, and to bring to convention - as well as to give you a great deal and help to share essential oils and YL with all of the animal kingdom.
I have been working on this book for 2 years, and am so happy to be bringing it to completion for convention!
You can go to www.AnimalDeskRefer to reserve your copy - hot off the presses! You can either pick it up at convention and save on shipping - or choose to have it shipped. Books will not be available UNTIL convention, and those who have their book(s) shipped - have to wait for shipping to start in July - and allow 4-12 weeks for shipping, depending on where in the world you are. (International shipping rates have been released now for bulk books, singles are being determined next week.)
The book is just like the EODR, only for animals. It will contain a lot of basic and general information on how to use oils for every sort of animal, as well as an extensive conditions listing - broken down for each species. So you can look up Cats - see all their conditions and which YL oils and supplements (and exactly how) to use them. there are a few preview pages on the websites to view as well! www.OilyVet. com will also get you there.
There is no advertising to sell YL oils within the book (just like the EODR) - only the specific recommendations to use Young Living specific oils, blends, and supplements. So it is a reference that can be used to help build and promote your own Young Living business - just like the EODR. AND, since the book is written by a veterinarian - I am allowed a bit more "say" in what the oils can do for animals - kind of fun! But, you may want the first edition, (just) in case ...!!
Other common questions have been about the book in general. Right now I anticipate it to actually be around 400 pages (or more), it is a fabric covered hard bound book. Smyth sewing on the binding - so it will lay open nicely. And copper foil embossed cover and spine...
The PRESALE will only run until May 31st - when pricing will go up. So now is your chance to get a copy (or copies) for the cheapest possible pricing!
Also $3 from each book sale goes to the D. Gary Young Foundation! Cool!
Thanks so much!
Melissa Shelton DVM - The Oily Vet
www.OilyVet. com
"Hello All!
Just wanted to announce a reminder that the Animal Desk Reference (ADR) book will be released at Young Living International Grand Convention - June 26, 2012. And, answer a few questions I have gotten about it...
We are having a presale to determine numbers to print, and to bring to convention - as well as to give you a great deal and help to share essential oils and YL with all of the animal kingdom.
I have been working on this book for 2 years, and am so happy to be bringing it to completion for convention!
You can go to www.AnimalDeskRefer
The book is just like the EODR, only for animals. It will contain a lot of basic and general information on how to use oils for every sort of animal, as well as an extensive conditions listing - broken down for each species. So you can look up Cats - see all their conditions and which YL oils and supplements (and exactly how) to use them. there are a few preview pages on the websites to view as well! www.OilyVet.
There is no advertising to sell YL oils within the book (just like the EODR) - only the specific recommendations to use Young Living specific oils, blends, and supplements. So it is a reference that can be used to help build and promote your own Young Living business - just like the EODR. AND, since the book is written by a veterinarian - I am allowed a bit more "say" in what the oils can do for animals - kind of fun! But, you may want the first edition, (just) in case ...!!
Other common questions have been about the book in general. Right now I anticipate it to actually be around 400 pages (or more), it is a fabric covered hard bound book. Smyth sewing on the binding - so it will lay open nicely. And copper foil embossed cover and spine...
The PRESALE will only run until May 31st - when pricing will go up. So now is your chance to get a copy (or copies) for the cheapest possible pricing!
Also $3 from each book sale goes to the D. Gary Young Foundation! Cool!
Thanks so much!
Melissa Shelton DVM - The Oily Vet
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Welcome Spring - Upcoming Classes for March and April 2012
Ahhhh... the first day of Spring! I love Spring! All the bulbs are in bloom... Tulips are my favorite flowers! I was born in the Spring! Everything is renewed in the Spring! And what a great thing for us to do... renew! What better way than with my favorite drink NingXia Red! Besides drinking it daily, I love to have it on hand for flu or colds, for when I am feeling run down or tired, or for just having it for a nutritional boost late in the day! It is a powerhouse of nutrients to boost the immune system, provide amazing energy, strengthen eyes, heart and brain and just feed the body!
Many don't know that it is fun and beneficial to add oils to NingXia Red. And NingXia Red is great to use for a myraid of things besides those I just mentioned. and we'll be discussing many of them from the book 53 Ways to Use the NingXia Wolfberry Juice! So come to my NingXia Red Party - the basics and fun recipes! It is coming up in one week on Tuesday, March 27th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Just Call or email to RSVP and for more information! This class is only $5 for guest and Team members and covers a NingXia Red bar drink of your choice... mmmmm delish! $10 for other Young Living Members.
Check out your calendars for these other two upcoming classes in Carlisle, PA:
Medicine Cabinet Health... Natural and Safe Alternatives! Thursday, April 5, 2012, 6:30-8:30 p.m., $5 for guests and team members, $10 for other Young Living members.
The Young Living Experience - The Basics! Monday, April 16, 2012, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. $5 or free if this is your first class with our group and you are not an active Young Living member!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Win $5,000 with the New Slique Challenge

There is still time to join in and win $5,000 with the New Slique Challenge! My prayers were answered when my husband Shand told me he was willing to step up to the challenge a couple of days ago, just before the old deadline! And then two of my daughters who live in Utah, Cammi and Casey, also stepped up and took on the Slique Challenge.
What about you?
Join the Slique™ Challenge and watch your health transform! Young Living's new weight-loss contest gives you the opportunity to win one of six $5,000 prizes! Registration has been extended through March 31.
Here is how to get started:
- Purchase a Slique Kit each month from now until May 31 and experience the endless health benefits of Slique products.
Item No. 4587 Slique Kit for Essential Rewards members
Item No. 4588 (Vegetarian) Slique Kit for Essential Rewards members
Item No. 4798 Start Living with Slique for new enrollments
Item No. 4799 (Vegetarian) Start Living with Slique for new enrollments
- By March 31 submit your age, current weight, two photos of yourself, and a short paragraph describing what you hope to accomplish with the new you. E-mail all submissions to and include two full-body photos of yourself in fitted clothing. One photo should be from the front, and the other should be a side/profile photo. Remember to include a dated newspaper to verify the date of your photos.
Encourage your family and friends and those you care about to also participate, and stay tuned as Young Living announces the winners this spring!
For more information on the Slique Challenge, visit today!
I love what our founder D. Gary Young said in a conference in New York last week. He said "We are not in the weight loss business! We are about balancing the body!" That is so true. You will lose weight with Slique because it will assist in brining the body into balance!
COACHING OFFER: Anyone on my team who gets started on the Slique challenge, including those who just join Young Living on our team, I offer a FREE Coaching program. Just call me at 717-385-2300 to get started today!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
It is not too late to start the year off right…
Would you like to get rid of some extra baggage?
Over 2/3 of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese, and the number of obese people in the nation has doubled since 1970. Along with the extra fat comes increased risk for a number of diseases, including cardiovascular problems, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. People who are overweight are also much less likely to have good physical stamina.
Would you like to do any of the following?
-Save money on medical expenses-
-Be less dependent on drugs and doctors-
-Be more prepared to take care of yourself and your family daily as well as in an emergency-
-Have more energy-
-Feel more attractive-
- Control those sugar and carb cravings-
If you are carrying around a gut or have some “junk in your trunk”, shedding weight , known as “losing” weight to some, come and find out how to get a new Slique Start!
WHEN: Thursday, February 16, 2011, 6:30-8:15 p.m.
RSVP to Quin at 717-385-2300
COST: $5 with Advanced RSVP or $10 at the door, seating limited!
WHERE: Carlisle Location, call for more information when you RSVP!
Why come alone? Bring someone and receive a thank you gift – and they will thank you as well!
Spend less than 2 hours of your week learning and experiencing health tools that can change your life.
Can't attend? Carlisle, PA too far away?
Young Living Webinar: The Slique™ Challenge
Are you ready to take control of your weight-management goals? Join Young Living for an inspiring webinar featuring complete information on the innovative Slique™ Challenge and interviews with enthusiastic participants as they work toward a positive, healthy transformation.
Space is limited, so register now for the great webinar using the link below!
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Time: 5 p.m. MT, 7 p.m. Eastern
Other February/March 2012 CLASSES upcoming in Carlisle, PA:
Rescheduled - Releasing Negative Emotions with Essential Oils - The Feelings Kit – About Stress and Depression, Monday, 2/6, 6:30-8:30 p.m. (For complete details see last post in January) Cost $15
The Young Living Experinece – The Basics about Therapeutic grade essential oils- Evening Classes, Wednesday, 2/22 at 6:30-8:30 p.m. and also Thursday, 3/1 at 6:30-8:15 p.m. Cost $5
Dr. Mom's Essential First Aid - Coping with Non-emergency Mishaps in a Natural Way! Day Class, Wednesday, 2/29, 1:00-2:45 p.m. Cost $5
NingXia Red Party! Taste the combination of Young Living's NingXia Red and Essential Oils! What does NingXia Red do? It provides great nutrition, a key element in rebuilding the body to optimal health!Tuesday, 3/27, 6:30-8:15 p.m. $5 (recipes included)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
New Year New You!
Many have said... the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting different results! Whether it is in regards to our personal lives, our business, our relationships with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc., if we are wanting to see changes, we must do something differently if we are not happy with our current state of affairs. Or are you insane? Just some health food for thought! In the arena of health and wellness, what are your desires for this new year? Do you want a new you? If so, what are you willing to do to get it? And how are you going to do it? Do you have a plan? Zig Ziglar said "Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill." That is why goal setting is important!
One of my goals for 2012 is to offer a minimum of two public classes about essential oils and natural healing a month. Frequently I do private ones for individuals who are just getting started in Young Living, or who want to earn free product, or who want to have a class or party because they can't make it to one of my scheduled ones. I also have a goal to have my classes published two weeks ahead of enough time so people can plan ahead. Well I haven't made that goal yet, as my first class of the year is next week and it is less than a week away and although I had it in print, I don't have it on the web. I apologize to anyone reading who are disappointed or may be inconvenienced. I am a work in progress!
So, here is my class schedule for January in this new year...
A Young Living Experience - BASIC OIL'S AND INTRO TO YOUNG LIVING CLASS on Thursday, January 19th at 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Carlisle. You will get to experience some basic essential oils, some essential nutrition, and some essential living products! We also talk about how we share the Young Living with others, which blesses them and blesses us in return! There is no charge is you are not yet a Young Living member or are an inactive member. If you are part of my Young Living team, the class fee is $5.00 and your guest(s) are free if you pay and RSVP ahead of time. If you are a Young Living distributor but not part of my YL team and want to attend, the cost is $10 wth advanced RSVP. If you pay the day of the class, the fee is $15. Paying in advance reserves your seat, as seating is limited. To RSVP and receive more info, please call me at 717-385-2300.
Releasing Negavtive Emotions with Essential Oils (FEELINGS KIT OILS) CLASS Rescheduled for February 6, 2012, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come and experience how the essential oils in Young Living's Feelings Collection can provide the first step in releasing negative emotions and experiences that adversely impact our lives. In this hands on experience, each participant will have the opportunity to apply each Young Living's Feelings Collection essential oil in a "Set Yourself Free" guided meditation exerecise with sound. The Feelings Collection of Valor, Release, Forgiveness, Harmony, Inner Child and Present Time can provide the foundation for balancing energy, forgiveness and identifying oneself. Suggestions for the class... Bring a water bottle, and for comfort a yoga mat, blanket, and pillow. The guided meditation may also be done sitting up in a chair as well. Bringing a journal is also a good idea.
If you are part of my Young Living team and guests, the class fee is $15.00 if you pay and RSVP ahead of time. If you are a Young Living distributor but not part of my YL team and want to attend, the cost is $20 for you and your guests wth advanced RSVP. If you pay the day of the class, the fee is $20 for my team and guests and $25 if you are not a part of my team. If someone wants to come and experience the class without using oils, or wants to bring their own Young Living Feelings Kit, the fee is only $5.00 with advanced payment. Paying in advance reserves your seat, as seating is limited. Again, to RSVP and receive more info, please call me at 717-385-2300.
One of my goals for 2012 is to offer a minimum of two public classes about essential oils and natural healing a month. Frequently I do private ones for individuals who are just getting started in Young Living, or who want to earn free product, or who want to have a class or party because they can't make it to one of my scheduled ones. I also have a goal to have my classes published two weeks ahead of enough time so people can plan ahead. Well I haven't made that goal yet, as my first class of the year is next week and it is less than a week away and although I had it in print, I don't have it on the web. I apologize to anyone reading who are disappointed or may be inconvenienced. I am a work in progress!
So, here is my class schedule for January in this new year...
A Young Living Experience - BASIC OIL'S AND INTRO TO YOUNG LIVING CLASS on Thursday, January 19th at 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Carlisle. You will get to experience some basic essential oils, some essential nutrition, and some essential living products! We also talk about how we share the Young Living with others, which blesses them and blesses us in return! There is no charge is you are not yet a Young Living member or are an inactive member. If you are part of my Young Living team, the class fee is $5.00 and your guest(s) are free if you pay and RSVP ahead of time. If you are a Young Living distributor but not part of my YL team and want to attend, the cost is $10 wth advanced RSVP. If you pay the day of the class, the fee is $15. Paying in advance reserves your seat, as seating is limited. To RSVP and receive more info, please call me at 717-385-2300.
Releasing Negavtive Emotions with Essential Oils (FEELINGS KIT OILS) CLASS Rescheduled for February 6, 2012, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come and experience how the essential oils in Young Living's Feelings Collection can provide the first step in releasing negative emotions and experiences that adversely impact our lives. In this hands on experience, each participant will have the opportunity to apply each Young Living's Feelings Collection essential oil in a "Set Yourself Free" guided meditation exerecise with sound. The Feelings Collection of Valor, Release, Forgiveness, Harmony, Inner Child and Present Time can provide the foundation for balancing energy, forgiveness and identifying oneself. Suggestions for the class... Bring a water bottle, and for comfort a yoga mat, blanket, and pillow. The guided meditation may also be done sitting up in a chair as well. Bringing a journal is also a good idea.
If you are part of my Young Living team and guests, the class fee is $15.00 if you pay and RSVP ahead of time. If you are a Young Living distributor but not part of my YL team and want to attend, the cost is $20 for you and your guests wth advanced RSVP. If you pay the day of the class, the fee is $20 for my team and guests and $25 if you are not a part of my team. If someone wants to come and experience the class without using oils, or wants to bring their own Young Living Feelings Kit, the fee is only $5.00 with advanced payment. Paying in advance reserves your seat, as seating is limited. Again, to RSVP and receive more info, please call me at 717-385-2300.
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