Healing Oils
of the Bible
Healing Oils
A Program to be presented in
Stringham, presenter
Natural Health & Wellness Coach
and Educator, Licensed Spiritual Healer
Young Living Essential Oils
Independent Distributor #96041
¨Oils for healing, cleansing, and
holy anointing are mentioned more than 500
times in the Bible.
¨Aloes, Cassia, Frankincense,
Galbanum, Hyssop, Balm, Spikenard, Cedarwood,
Myrrh, and many more…
¨Moses used them to protect the
Israelites from disease.
¨Mary and Joseph used them to keep
baby Jesus and themselves healthy.
¨Modern science finds some of them to
be as effective as antibiotics and to promote
overall health, vitality, and longevity.
¨Come learn, enjoy, share and
experience these holy, healing oils.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
♦ Seating is limited ♦ RSVP
required ♦ Location given when you RSVP ♦
Contact: Quin at 717-385-2300, Amanda at 717-241-2600
or Esse at 717-218-2434
~ $15 with early RSVP,
$20 for day of the event,
Includes experiencing
each oil shared ~ and an oil sample
Can’t make it? Call us to schedule this presentation for
your home, church, or club!