Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Essentials 4 Wholeness

Today is a big day! I am officially Essentials 4 Wholeness LLC! It has been long in coming but worth the wait! Yesterday I went to Andrew Shaw, my lawyer who handled all the paperwork. Thanks Andrew! Today, I opened my new business bank account in that name with Marlies Wagner with PNC Bank (Thanks Marlies!), announced the name to my PRE business group, got my gmail account with that name, got my web URL, and now, before 2008 closes, started my Blog! This is exciting!

What is Essentials 4 Wholeness LLC all about?

Well, I get to tell you! Here is my mission statement... subject to change as I do!

My mission is to assist others to come to a oneness of body, mind and spirit, that they may heal physically, (including financially), emotionally, and spiritually, coming to a unity of their true self through my gifts of intuition, inspiration, and energy healing, connecting heart 2 heart, and through the use of essential oils and other natural products, that they too may live the abundant life.

Originally my company was called Healing Heart 2 Heart LLC, which just was not complete. Thank you Dr. LeAnne for assisting me to shift! I was able to envision my true mission as assisting others on their path to WHOLENESS, whereas Healing Heart 2 Heart is the vehicle or the gift that I use to do that.

My life has brought me to where I am now. I am so grateful for the many teachers I have had and continue to have who have facilitated me in developing those gifts that God so generously has given me. It has taken courage and encouragement to step outside my box, stretch my arms out wide, feeling the wind on my face, and embracing all that is before me! How perfect is that?

Please join me on my blog. Welcome, Welcome! I am excited to here at last!

With love and joy,

1 comment:

Carson said...

I completely aggree with your vision and your words are very inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing and for taking it upon yourself to change the world. I know you can do it!!